Training Category: Especially for Educators

Title IX in Schools Staff Training

Title IX in Schools Staff Training

Title IX in Schools Staff Training In the beginning… How did Title IX come to be, why was it passed, and what has been its impact on public schools? What is covered under Title IX and what are the responsibilities of teachers and administrators under its umbrella? Liability and responsibility under Title IX is a serious subject that all staff needs to understand and know how to handle. Focus: History of Title IX Identifying Title IX Issues and Complaints Investigation and Responding Documentation Reporting Responsibilities Misconduct What happens with OCR complaints Audience: Title IX Coordinators, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Campus Administrators, Athletic

Social Media and Schools

Social Media and Schools This training is tailored to its audience and addresses the latest law and teaches participants about the dangers of social media and how to utilize board policies to: teach common sense usage and distinguish the difference between protected speech and unprofessional speech, brandish consequences on employees who use the internet unprofessionally, how and when to discipline students for cyberbullying and threatening conduct, utilizing extra- curricular options to control students, and take steps to protect students from internet predators, and; address options for dealing with those nonemployees and nonstudents that think the internet is fair game to
School Law 101 for Teachers

School Law 101 for Teachers

District and Individual Liability Prepare your soon-to-be teachers with the basics of school law. Comfort yourself by knowing that these very important issues have been addressed by the experienced attorneys before teachers are in the classroom. Focus: Response to Frequently Asked Questions by First Year Teachers Overview of Legal Issues, including: Immunity and liability Teacher contracts Special education Student and district records Code of ethics for professional educators Student discipline Complaints policy Sexual harassment Child abuse reporting Student and family rights Technology, copyright, and acceptable use Note: This presentation can be adjusted for seasoned educators wanting a “refresher” on timely legal

Principals’ Academy of Legal Issues

Principals' Academy of Legal Issues Improve the knowledge of legal issues that commonly arise for campus administrators, learn strategies for minimizing risk of lawsuits, understand the protection that exists in the law for some types of lawsuits and recognize those circumstances which may result in liability. This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff. Request this Seminar Cancellation Policy: We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.
Lunch with a Lawyer (Video Conference)

Lunch with a Lawyer (Video Conference)

Lunch with a Lawyer (Video Conference) Administrators spend a leisurely lunch with one of our attorneys learning about the hot school law topic of the day with abundant time for questions and answer time for your individual school and district This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff. Request this Seminar Cancellation Policy: We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.

Legal Update

Legal Update This timely session will explain the most recent and relevant case law, commissioner decisions, and laws that affect schools, the board, personnel, and students day to day. This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff. Request this Seminar Cancellation Policy: We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.
District and Individual Liability

District and Individual Liability

District and Individual Liability Every lawsuit brings in the media. When is a school possibly liable, and when is it just a nuisance suit? When do employees have to be worried about being liable…better yet, when do I have to worry about being liable? What will my insurance cover, and what may have to come out of my pocket? This session will discuss all the potential areas of liability, and provide you with methods for avoiding liability. Focus: Child abuse reporting In Loco parentis Professional immunity Sexual harassment and deliberate indifference Sports and other extracurricular vulnerability Motor vehicular liability State

Booster & Activity Clubs – Everything You Always Wanted to Know

Booster & Activity Clubs - Everything You Always Wanted to Know This one-hour session describes the appropriate balance and boundaries between the school district and its extracurricular activities and the parent or community groups (“booster clubs”) that exist for the benefit of the students in those extracurricular activities. This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff. Request this Seminar Cancellation Policy: We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.