Social Media and Schools

Social Media and Schools

This training is tailored to its audience and addresses the latest law and teaches participants about the dangers of social media and how to utilize board policies to: teach common sense usage and distinguish the difference between protected speech and unprofessional speech, brandish consequences on employees who use the internet unprofessionally, how and when to discipline students for cyberbullying and threatening conduct, utilizing extra- curricular options to control students, and take steps to protect students from internet predators, and; address options for dealing with those nonemployees and nonstudents that think the internet is fair game to mercilessly attack and abuse public servants.


  • Professional usage of social media
  • First amendment considerations
  • Student discipline options
  • Employment implications
  • Public involvement

Audience:  This training can be tailored for all Staff, Administrators, Teachers and Paraprofessionals, Trustees, Students, and/or Parents

This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff.

Cancellation Policy:

We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.