Preventing Harassment – Train the Trainers

Preventing Harassment - Train the Trainers

We provide the tools and techniques for you to train your supervisors to conduct an annual one hour staff training on preventing sexual harassment.


  • Liability Issues
  • Training Methodology
  • View and Discuss Video Simulations of Possible Sexual Harassment between Students, Employee and Student, Supervisor and Subordinate, and Co-Workers
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Case Law
  • Investigation and Documentation
  • Policy Recommendations

Note: Free training with the purchase of 15 manuals.

Audience: Superintendents, Human Resource Directors, Title IX Coordinators, Principals, Assistant Principals, and all other Administrators with Supervisory Responsibilities

This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff.

Cancellation Policy:

We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.